[STM 8] Unshakable Self Confidence


glassWe all have heard the term “unstoppable”, therefore, what is the meaning of unstoppable in pursuit of achieving the biggest and most important goals. It means when we run against setbacks, obstacles and roadblocks we persist because we are 100% confident in our self and in our future success. If we are determined to achieve goals that we have set for our self, we are tenacious, dedicated, but sometimes just not there, so, what is the element missing, most likely, it’s the most important quality of the most successful people in our society, i.e. “Self Confidence”.

If we notice, the question to be asked is why we aren’t achieving the accomplishments which are most important to us it’s because if we are like most people, we are programmed at an early age and before the age of 5, the messages we receive from elsewhere can lower  the self-confidence, most often critical parents meaning well, will pre-program their children for lower level self-confidence and self-esteem, as a result, most of the children are not able to reach their most coveted dreams and goals, perhaps, something in the children put the foot on the brakes of their own potential, but the good news is, we can re-program the mind and develop the self-confidence necessary to achieve absolutely anything and everything we put our minds too.

Let’s reveal how we can manage unshakeable level of self-confidence:

Discover Yourself

The key is to be true to our self, true to the very best and to live our life consistently with highest values and aspirations.

We need to decide that we will never compromise our integrity by trying to be or say or feel something that is not true for us. Have the courage to accept as we really are-not as we might be or as someone else thinks we should be-and know that, taking everything into consideration, you are a pretty good person.

After all, we all have our own talents, skills and abilities that make us extraordinary. No one, including our self, has the idea of our capabilities or of what we may ultimately do or become. Perhaps the hardest thing to do in life is to accept how extraordinary we are and then to incorporate this awareness into our attitude and personality.

 Doubt & Fear:

If we ask our self, one question in goal setting and personal success, what one thing we dare to dream if we are given a guarantee or have a crystal ball which ensures that we will never fail, what will be that dream? As an answer, big goals comes to mind like we will be rich we will be famous or we will be powerful.

While asking the question and answering it, we realize it’s the fear which holds us back, if we are given a guarantee of success we will suddenly become unstoppable or we will be a force of nature as if someone has put a blessing on us that we can achieve any goal we want.

Usually this is the biggest problem among human being throughout the history, doubt & fear which holds us back. Imagine if we have no doubt or no fear at all we will start feeling fabulous about our self, if we start feeling we deserve everything in the world, how much different we will be? If we look at people who are extremely successful it’s the way they are.

 Know Yourself and Your Potential

In developing unshakable levels of self-confidence, the self-esteem, and self-regard are important starting points, but they are not enough. People have tried positive thinking and wishing and hoping for years, with only mixed results. To develop the deep-down kind of self-confidence that leads to victory, we need positive knowing, not just positive thinking.

Lasting self-confidence comes from a sense of control. When we feel very much in control of our self and our life, we feel confident enough to do and say the things that are consistent with our highest values.

Being true to our self means knowing exactly what we want and having a plan to achieve it.  Lasting self-confidence comes when we absolutely know that we have the capacity to get from where we are to wherever we want to go.  We are behind the wheel of our life.  We are the architect of our destiny and the master of our fate.

Instead of being preoccupied with the fear of failure and loss, as most people are, we focus on the opportunity and the possible gains of achievement.  With a clearly defined track to run on, we become success-oriented, and we gradually build the confidence up to the stage where there is very little we will not take on.

 Positive Thinking vs. Positive Knowing

Another essential way to build the self-confidence is through positive knowing rather than just positive thinking, is to become very good at what we do. The flip side of self-confidence is “self-efficacy,” or the ability to perform effectively in our chosen area.

We can raise our self-confidence instantly by the simple act of committing our self by becoming excellent in our chosen field. We immediately distinct our self from the average individual who drifts himself from one job to other and accepts mediocrity as the adequate standard.

Self-Confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives and people who lack it can find it difficult to become successful. If we put a small value upon our self, rest assured that the world will not raise our price tag!

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